DIY High Waist Shorts

High waist shorts are everywhere. Especially for the spring and upcoming summer season, high waist shorts are literally every girl's go-to bottoms. Many high waist shorts tend to be on the pricey side, but it's really unnecessary to buy them when you can easily make them at home yourself! I love fun, bold prints that stand out, so I have made three pairs of shorts in just 2 1/2 hours. 

You will need: 
1. A fabric of choice, preferably a yard or two. I used fabrics that were extra from my other sewing projects.
2. Scissors and needles
3. Elastic
4. A sewing machine (or you can hand sew this but it may be a little tedious).
5. Iron (Optional, but it will make your work cleaner and prettier!)

Before you go on to my version, here are two tutorials that have helped me make these shorts:
2. (yes, it's a boxers tutorial, but hey, it worked!)

I first made a pattern by tracing a pair of my favorite high waist shorts on to a piece of poster paper. Trace around your shorts, extending about 1/2 inch out for seam allowance. Cut out your pattern twice along the fabric's folds.

Next, open up your two pieces and lay the front sides facing each other.

Sew along the "J's"

Once you're done sewing, lay it flat and bring the two sides together as circled.

It should look like this once you've brought it together.

Then, sew along that edge, which would be the crotch area.

You can turn it inside out if you want to check your progress :)

Next, take the elastic and measure it around your waist and cut. I came out as 25 1/2, but rounded it up to 26 for a more comfty fit.

Sew the elastic piece together.

Take your elastic piece and pin it to the top part of your shorts. You don't have to pin all of the elastic, just one or two pins are fine to guide you.

Next, sew the elastic! STRETCH it with the fabric as you sew.

It should look like that.

Fold it over once and repeat, stretching as you sew again. Follow along the stitches.

It should look nice and scrunched up :)

You're almost done!

Try on your shorts and fold to make cuffs to your desired length.

Iron when done :)

Here are the completed shorts! After I made one, I just had to make two more.

Thank you for reading! Hope you will make an pair of shorts for yourself :) Let me know in the comments if you need any clarifications or questions! 

UPDATE 02/17/15:
I never thought I would get so many views on this tutorial; thank you for all your kind comments and feedback! (:

A few people have asked how the shorts look like on, so here is a picture:

The shorts are about 1 1/2 inches above my belly button, and I am 5'1 1/2 (yes I know, I am short).

xoxo, Ysabel